How we can
help business
Efficient data management
Immediate access to all data and the knowledge of the correlation between them are the basis for correct and rational business decisions.
We provide immediate access to information and systems
Data availability means maintaining business continuity. Business continuity is the company’s constant income. In extreme cases, the lack of business continuity may result in the necessity to close the business.
Correlate data from domain systems
The activities of companies are often carried out by several different systems. The full picture of the situation is a set of data, often with a different structure. So how to reduce data to a common denominator, be able to compare them, see dependencies and draw conclusions?
Optimize operating costs
Full access to information provided by data from various transaction systems is the foundation of correct business decisions, including taking care of company costs.
Raise the level of employee satisfaction
A safe and efficient workplace is one of the important factors in employee satisfaction. So how to ensure quick access to company tools regardless of the place of work?
Constantly increase the level of work safety
Can remote work be as safe as working at the company’s premises? We ensure the availability of services and their security, and help to record user activity.
Our offer
Application-level integration
Organizations use multiple systems that store large amounts of data. Often these systems exist side by side but uncorrelated data derived from them may not be useful. The solution is the integration of domain systems.
Artificial intelligence
“Artificial Intelligence is changing the world!” Of course, one can argue to what extent “intelligence” is a lexically understood feature of systems, but it is difficult to argue with the usefulness and effectiveness of learning.
Virtualization of workplaces
Virtualization of the workplace is an advantage for the organization: central management of users, effective control over their activities and the use of resources, simplified administration and easy expansion.
Solutions for remote work
The necessity to work outside the office poses another challenge for IT departments in how to ensure business continuity, and fully functional remote workplaces.
Our customers
Krakow Intelligent Transport System
Municipal Roads Authority in Krakow
Municipal Roads Authority in Krakow entrusted us and a subsidiary of Comtegra, Lena Software, with the delivery and integration of data bus, data warehouse and analytical system with their current systems. These are the three most important tools that are the foundation for the transformation to the data management model, consistent with the Smart City idea.
The project under the slogan of Krakow’s Intelligent Transport System is to significantly support the work of traffic engineers by looking for, among others, correlation between the frequency and location of road accidents, or look for places where traffic control should be strengthened or loosened.
Machine learning for the sake of the honeybee’s life
The Beesensor project
In 2016, we started a cross-team project, co-financed by the BIOSTRATEG III Strategic Program. The project is carried out in conjunction with the University of Warmia and Mazury (responsible for collecting data on the health and habits of bee colonies) and the Wroclaw University of Technology (dealing with processing the collected data using algorithms based on machine learning).
The aim of the project is to develop a device for monitoring the occurrence of the foulbrood and an increased level of infestation with Varroa Destructor in honeybee colonies. Scientists, technology and business work together to fight disease and the extinction of bees.